Nasa Ames Visitor Center Experience

Chabot Space & Science Center

Design Charrette; Experiential Planning; Strategic Planning; Concept Design; Design Package; Business Consulting; Owner’s Representation


In partnership with Julie Bowen, Principal of Columbia Group, and Aylin Doyle, Blue Rhino Lead Designer, together we led an eighteen-month project to launch the grand opening of the new NASA Visitor Center. The project advanced the twin goals of transforming 10,000 sq ft of exhibition space at Chabot Space and Science Center and reinventing Chabot’s exhibit experience.
Process Curiosity led Co-design and idea generation workshops covering aesthetics and design perspective for reinventing Chabot’s exhibit experience and managed the internal exhibition design/fabrication team through their grand opening. We provided guidance, insight, resources, and direction on exhibit development and intersection with educational programming through workshops, weekly open office hours, and check-in meetings with staff. In addition, we identified images, styles, materials, and color palettes for a new experience. Finally, working with the team, we focused on building internal fabrication capabilities.