Listen. Wonder. Create.


In creating a design/fabrication firm focused on play, curiosity, and inquiry, we feel the best project outcome should start with listening, asking, and exploring ideas, questions, and unexpected surprises to create transformative experiences rooted in a strong sense of place. Process Curiosity uses Human-centered Design (HCD) methodology for all its projects to ensure designs and exhibits are deeply rooted in the community/cultural values.

Our Projects
Still curious? More Projects this way


Process Curiosity is a curious, creative design and fabrication firm focused on helping turn ideas into results. Our services include concept development, product development, exhibit/graphic design, prototyping, strategic/experiential planning, immersive thematic design, and owner’s representation. Mostly we love becoming part of the team and creatively helping move ideas forward.

Strategic Consulting + Experiential Planning

Design Charrettes + Sprints

Interactive + Thematic Design

Prototyping + Testing

Project Management

Owner’s Representation

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead


Process curiiosity

play With Purpose!

Have a project you’re ready to bring to life? Connect with us and we can help you fulfill your creative needs. Think weird. Build wow!